Discover some photos of the signs we made for UAP’s headquarters in Montreal. The bright channel letters on the concrete pylon are securely attached with discreet support rods, giving the sign a "floating" look.

Services used

channel letters direct led lighting or indirect lighting Illuminated individual channel letters indoor or outdoor sign Installation Non-illuminated cut out letters Pylon sign and directional signs


Deploying our expertise across Canada, we are proud to be the protectors of the NAPA brand, part of cars. Explore several signs we proudly made for the NAPA/CMAX banner.

Services used

indoor or outdoor sign Simple face box with acrylic face Illuminated individual channel letters non-illuminated individual letter


Image & Cie has developed a standardized solution for TruckPro: two formats for fast and accessible production in less than seven working days. Contact us for more details and discover examples of our two formats by clicking here.

Services used

indoor or outdoor sign  single-sided light box 

Transport Gilmyr

This project takes us to Montmagny, on the edge of Highway 20 at Transport Gilmyr inc.
This bright sign owes its flamboyance to the red touches characteristic of Transport Gilmyr, see some photos here.

Services used

indoor or outdoor sign Illuminated individual channel letters


The car window and windshield specialists outside of Quebec are the giants, Speedy glass. Discover a sample of the projects we have conducted in several Canadian provinces.

Services used

indoor or outdoor sign direct led lighting or indirect lighting  single-sided light box